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The Blue Rider: Who were they and What They Stood For?
Jul 02, 2023

The Blue Rider: Who were they and What They Stood For?

In the early 20th century, a group of pioneering artists came together to challenge artistic conventions and explore new frontiers...
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Exploring the timeless appeal of vintage art and why we love it so much
May 23, 2023

Exploring the timeless appeal of vintage art and why we love it so much

Vintage art holds a timeless charm that continues to captivate art enthusiasts and collectors around the world. Whether it's vintage...
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Piet Mondrian and  his part in modern abstract art that endures
Apr 15, 2023

Piet Mondrian and his part in modern abstract art that endures

Piet Mondrian was a Dutch artist who played a significant role in the development of modern abstract art. He was...
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