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What is RIP Software and why we use it at Totalposter

What is a RIP Software?

RIP stands for (Raster Image Processor) and has many benefits for printing.


Why use a RIP Software? 

A high-quality RIP (Raster Image Processor) is an essential component to getting the very best out of your machines while offering you increased versatility and productivity, faster print speeds, critical colour management and the all-important repeat-print quality control.


Colour control is a cornerstone of what we do at Totalposter

We invested in the best 12 colour printer and want to be able to print THE BEST posters and prints every time so that our customers continue to be wowed. Our RIP software gives us that peace of mind that we have the ultimate repeatability.


Other benefits of a RIP Software
As detailed above we are more efficient (which is good for clients) and actually can use less resources and produce less waste (which is great for our planet.


Customer Satisfaction

That’s why we can happily offer the no quibble money back guarantee at and keep delighting our customers.  


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  • Jun 10, 2022
  • Category: News
  • Comments: 0
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